The One Test to Rule Them All

Okay, so the test is life. And if you want to be chill with God, you might want to do well on this test. Actually, your absolute best. And news flash, that perfect family that keeps posting pictures of their perfect family on social media? Yeah, they are not exempt from this test. Anyone who is alive on this Earth right now is part of this test. Everyone. There's no free-be's, shortcuts, or opt-outs. But, there is a way to endure. And that is through...yep, you guessed it. The gospel! The gospel of Jesus Christ that is.
     So what is so hard about life? Well, if you have to ask that, then something is seriously wrong with you. Because everyone knows that. But did you know that some 90% of divorces can be linked back to a financial dispute? Yeah. Money. It's a killer. We love it so much but really, money loves no one. Because it doesn't have a heart. Or legs. Or body parts at all really.
    In my class, we have an effective way of putting this-$tre$$. But it doesn't have to be that way. We are all in this together (not much unlike the wildcats) to try and make it all work out. Couples need to be on the same page about their finances and discuss and plan and budget. Food storage is a must. It's also a commandment. Just saying. Give your kids opportunities to earn money. Help them learn how to budget early. And the best teacher is an example. Kids can make the best financial decisions when they see their parents make smart financial decisions.
    Just remember that even though you are doing everything right, hardships will still come. The strongest people, the kindest and most humble people, the people who are most inspirational, and usually the ones who have endured the most. But that's why they are inspirational-because they endured their trials. Those who can endure are blessed. In Malachi 3:8-10 we are told of the blessings of paying our tithing-which is giving 10 percent of our income to the Lord. Tithing is an essential part of a stable home and family. It's also known as "fire insurance" (That's a joke...but also not). Just keep swimming, and trust in God that He will lead you along. And He will.


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